Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Holy Snikes!

Well I have certainly neglected you. I am sorry. It's been like 2 years!

Well it's SunDance time again. Mike's 3rd year. Norman is back this year. Didn't make it to the Ren Faire yet again this year, very sorry Duane...

Well in the meantime, Victor hasn't had anymore seizures!!! He's starting 6th grade in the fall. Rory is starting 1st grade in the fall and both have rabbits and are currently in 4-h. Last fair, Victor won 3 ribbons for his rabbit!

Keely is now 3 and we are thinking of putting her in school with some occ therapy. She can't ride a bike yet and wonder if she just doesn't like it or needs help....

I worked at for 4 months as a Digital CSA for kindle support :) then i got my end of assignment letter and we got ready for our trip to Mexico! So, that means I finally got a stamp in my passport (yay!!!) Awesome vacation plus we were surrounded by family.

Jared was laid off for 7 months but got a job right after Mexico, fate huh? Things are going well, plus the bus is done! Plus he also put in a new engine in my nova with fuel injection. It's sweet!!!

Still gluten free among other allergies, it gets easier with time :)

Well, I'll try not to neglect you again....


Brooke said...

I didn't know you had a blog- FUN!

I'm sorry to hear about all of the allergies you all are facing and Victor's seizures. I can remember when he was first born!

Where do you work now? I bet staying at home with your kids was nice. I think I would go crazy being home full time, but I a part of me would LOVE it!

Keep the posts coming! :)

BarefootedMama said...

Wow! I found your blog! Hi neighbor!